All The Pieces In Between
Your Digital Footprint
For small to mid size businesses there are dozens of processes and configurations that they are only vaguely aware of. They misunderstand some these or don’t see the importance of others. But these seemingly small processes all work together to enhance your digital footprint—or understand it.
We are here to help you manage or interpret these for you. (or with you)
Website Analysis
There are several aspects of analyzing the health of a website. It is more than just knowing how many people visit your site. Various tools and services allow us to find unexpected problems that can serious negative effects on your site’s success.
Two services we always attach to a website are Google Analytics (site traffic) and Google Search Console. Search Console is becoming the go-to service to discover hidden problems; it is Google’s own report on what they find on your site. This can reveal surprising conflicts in your site—if you know how to interpret the reports.
There are more detailed tools, and we can bring them to bear when needed.
Google Profile
Along with its corollary at Bing Places and less obvious one on Apple Maps, this service needs to be managed or it will manage you. We can help. These services are essential for local consumer businesses and helpful for all others. The information in the profiles is used by the search engine as authoritative — especially if it agrees with your website and other public sources. But often there are problems with addresses and other information when the search engine is forced to create this profile automatically. Don’t let them get your information wrong, it confuses people searching for you.
Search Engine Optimization
SEO is not automatic, no matter how often you are told about sites that are “Built for Search”. No system (not even AI) can automatically make the connection between your audience and your content through search. In fact, most website owners have no idea how search engines work—although everyone thinks they do.
In reality SEO is never completely done—your competitors make sure of that—and Google is always fiddling with their rankings.
Read some very short case studies on how we have helped several businesses rank and increase traffic.
The Technical Mumbo Jumbo
There is a whole world of technical details that are the foundation of your digital existence.
Domain verification tags for various services; ad pixels, API calls, DNS entries and more. All of this has been set up over time and it rarely needs to be dealt width. But when it does need tending to – you are usually the least qualified to handle it well. We are here to help.
For instance, if you want your marketing emails to show up in your customer’s inbox reliably, you will need to modify your SPF and DKIM entries in your DNS records to make your marketing email service a known sender for your domain. If this is mumbo-jumbo to you, and you don’t have someone to do it for you… you do now.